My recent work explores the possibilities of resuscitating memories from the unconscious and how these memories can be related to certain materials. Dried, unfired, cracked clay with its fragments and cracks have become a metaphor for the destabilisation of political and economic systems dictated by corrupt leadership. This is coupled with the memories which have fragmented over time, disappearing and reappearing in fits and starts, punching and jolting, laughing and crying, surprising and hating, angry and sad. Emotional to say the least! "When making this work, I try to use authentic materials, either those that have been collected over time as were my father's 45 year old curtains used in the "GIRL FROM KAROI"; the plaited handles made attached to the "TALE OF THE WEAVER BIRD" and were purchased from the ruling party offices during the 2008 elections, and more recently the use of Gwaai River Clay collected on a recent visit to this river in Mashonaland area of Zimbabwe used in "THE HUG".
"THE HUG" (above) Size: 2mt x 2mts This painting was made during a art residency at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Bulawayo in February 2020. At my request, the spotted bird in the left hand corner was added my painting by Zimbabwe artist, Dialo Dube. His delicate, meditative and elaborately patterned cutout and paste on paper method of making is in complete contrast to my dried un-fired clay on fabric image making. The image is led by the cracks formed in the dried clay and painted with egg tempera and additional collaged fabric elements. This painting has been selected to hang in the 40th Year of Zimbabwe Independence Exhibition at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare in April 2020.
"TALE OF THE WEAVER BIRD" (above) W 620 X L 1690mm x H 400mm papier-mâché, collaged fabric, gesso, egg tempera, gold leaf, ceramics, familial artefacts. This work was most recently exhibited in July of this year at FREE RANGE, F BLOCK, SPACE T4, TRUMAN BREWERY, BRICKLANE, LONDON, UK
"GIRL FROM KAROI" (above and fragment below) H 2700mm X W 2600mm fabric - Cotton weaved curtains weaved in Rhodesia pre-1982, un-fired clay, egg tempera, gold leaf, photo images.
"CLOUDED MINAGERIE" Framed : W 710mm x H 710mm x D 50m unfired clay, egg tempera, fabric
"WHERE THE ANGELS WON'T GO" Framed : W 760mm x H 800mm x D 50mm unfired clay, egg tempera, fabric
"CONNECTION" Framed: W 710cm x H 710mm x D 50mm unfired clay, egg tempera, fabric
"CALL FROM THE CLOUDS" Framed: W 710cm x H 710mm x D 50mm unfired clay, egg tempera, fabric, gold dust